Raffle 49


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Join Today To Enter Into Our VIP Draw For $1.5K In Gold Bullion.

Our VIP members pay on the 7th of each month and get access to exclusive draws!

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$ 30 Monthly

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$ 20 Monthly
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Why Become A VIP?

  • More Chances
  • Increase Awareness
  • Save Lives

Never miss a chance to win by signing up for monthly payments , our supporters are entered into our National Raffle , held every four Months. PLUS gain entry into our exclusive VIP Draw! 

Your generosity also enables us to screen and treat women as well as driving awareness of Pap tests – a big step forward given that 70% of women who develop cervical cancer have not had their regular Pap tests .

Cervical cancer kills more than 340,000 women a year worldwide - one woman every 2 minutes!

ACCF is committed to eliminating cervical cancer in Australia and in developing countries like Nepal and Bhutan where it is the leading cancer killer of women.

By supporting our work today you are helping us vaccinate girls overseas. To date, ACCF has vaccinated more than 180,000 girls against HPV in developing countries.

Support Community Prevention Health Awareness Australians Protection